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YII Development: The Benefits and The Future

Yii Development
Written by admin

In the web development era, the PHP framework is one of the most preferred languages to develop websites and offers a lot of frameworks.

On December 3, 2008, PHP launched YII (Yes It Is) Framework and became the most demanded framework among the developer community. It is an object-oriented Model View Controller (MVC) framework and supports quick development in web management.

Features of YII Web Development Framework

YII Web Development Framework consists of a lot of features that give amazing services.

  • It offers Model View Controller (MVC) pattern designs.
  • The YII Web Development Framework supports:
    • Number formatting, 
    • Time or date-based formatting,
    • Design interface localization, and 
    • Message translation.
  • Provides selenium and PHPUnit-based web unit testing.
  • As it is securely designed and can work on the third-party-based web development code. It also provides the Zend and Pear frameworks in the app development process.
  • It supports all types of caching services where you can modify the data of media storage.
  • Being a centralized framework, it handles several types of error and logging and filters the categories of the web application.
  • It allows many security features with cross sites scripting (XSS), Cross-site request forgery (CSRF), Cookie tempering, and SQL injection.
  • It offers highly extensible tools to generate the code.

The business benefits that YII Framework offers are as follows:

There are a lot of benefits that the YII Framework offers. They are as follows:

  • Lower Development Time
  • Highly Customizable
  • Ready-to-Use Features
  • Highly Scalable
  • Enhanced Security

Let us learn about each of them in detail now.

Lower Development Time: Spending time on repetitive tasks can be tiring, and it slows down the development process. So, in such cases where developers have to use repetitive codes while developing applications, developers use one of the extensions in YII called GII. It is a web-based code tool, which contains a default code generator and helps developers generate quick codes. Also, it provides default controllers that enable developers to reduce their development time and focus on customizing applications. 

Highly Customizable: YII helps businesses make their applications and products look unique. YII allows developers to customize the apps, replace or customize the build as per their needs and help developers focus on what is needed. Yii offers more than 850 extensions that can be used to improve and customize overall applications and products.

Ready-to-Use Features: It is a full-stack framework and contains reusable components like query builders and active records. Developers use these components to develop and customize applications and products. The YII framework consists of all the components that are necessary to speed up the development process.

Highly Scalable: Scalability is the need of any robust application. YII has cache components, and developers can access any component that is needed with a common API. It speeds up the performance of the application and makes it scalable. YII supports RESTful API and connects the functionality and data of an application without interacting with the source code. Doing so helps developers set the apps up and third party integration easy. 

Enhanced Security: Data is the most important asset of any organization and should be protected from breaching or security attacks at any cost. Using YII Framework protects data and has different in-built security features that allow developers to develop a secure. The security features provided by YII Framework are as follows:

Hash-based message authentication code that checks, validates and prevents the cookies.

CHTML Purifier removes harmful data and makes sure that the filtered data matches security standards.

The future of YII Development

In the coming decade, developers will witness amazing and effective features of YII development. These features will be helpful to develop reliable and secure applications. Let us discuss some effective features of the YII framework that can be valuable in the future for industries. 

  • Web Modules, Components, and Extension
  • Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
  • WSDL Features
  • Automatic Code Generation
  • Advanced Security Features
  • Data Migration

Web Modules, Components, and Extension: 

Yii Framework development process makes extensions, components, effective modules, and more features. These features manage the whole development process quite easily and minimize the complexity for the developers.

Model-View-Controller Design Pattern:

The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern designs attractive patterns, and a great user interface for businesses. With that, YII introduces the front-end web development controller called Application and passes the required information to handle the services.

WSDL Features: Yii allows third-party extension service where the WSDL makes quick applications. The Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) document initiates the information message, and the functions represent the web services such as response and request. 

Automatic Code Generation: The updated version of the YIIC generation tool is GII. It is a part of the YII model to integrate the module of the web platform.

Advanced Security Features: YII offers great security features, allows the hash key based, password service, and provides a secure process. It bocks the various types of SQL injection, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), cookie tampering, and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).

Data Migration: YII integrates the data migration feature to allow the database migration process that is controlled by the data migration source code features. It also upgrades the version of the YII installation.


Yii is a simple framework that has the power to develop high-performing applications easily. It is easy to install and understand and has the full support of the YII developer community where you can get answers related to your queries and help you grow as a YII developer. 

Also, Yii is cost-effective, secure and accelerates the development of applications, and can help businesses reach customers quickly and effectively. 

To learn more about Yii, kindly visit our website!

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