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A Detailed Guide About Yii Framework And Why Is It A Developer’s Favorite

A detailed Guide about Yii Framework and why is it a developer’s Favorite
Written by admin

Yii is one of the secure, high-performing, and component-based PHP frameworks predominantly popular among developers. It was developed to help overcome the challenges PRADO had during that time. PRADO framework was unable to manage the high speed when developers used to create complex pages.

Yii is one of the fastest PHP frameworks that is used for developing large-scale applications with ease. Yii gained a lot of attention due to some amazing features that include caching and high-end security. Whether you are looking forward to developing an eCommerce app or web app, Yii is a must.

The blog covers all the reasons and depicts why is Yii the most admirable PHP framework and is loved by developers.

How does Yii ease the developer’s life?

If you are looking for some reasons for switching to Yii, here we cover the points that help you discover quite a few.

1. Reduces the development time

Yii offers automated tools that streamline the repetitive tasks for your project. One of the tools is Gii which helps with automatic code template creation for models, controllers, and extensions. Gii allows developers to create customized codes that are even scalable.

It saves developers time, and they can use the productive time to build something as per the client’s needs.

2. Offers more security

Security is another factor when it comes to Yii. It has amazing security measures including cross-site scripting, XSS, and more. Yii allows you to enable/disable validations. One of the examples of security includes an automated audit that protects the web app cookies and clears code of vulnerabilities.

3. Caching

It is another yet most crucial way that helps boost web application performance. Caching is one of the most effective ways to reduce response time while boosting the performance as it stores the statci data in the cache and gets it whenever necessary. MemCache, DummyCache, and FileCache are the main components of caching.

4. Configuration is easy

Yii installment is a simple and easy process. Developers can simply visit the Yii Framework website or download the basic structure from the composer. After the structure download, you can extract files. Developers can connect the files with the database and give its configuration.

5. Active and huge community support

Yii has amazing active community support that has various features including discussion, forums, threads, live chat, news, and more. It also allows you to add badges if you are meeting the criteria. All the information you can avail yourself of with unlimited support from the Yii community.

6. Highly Extensible

Yii has become quite popular because of its ability to alter as per the needs. Yii every component is extensible making it the top-most choice for the developers.

Final Opinion

Yii is one of the genuine PHP frameworks helping businesses to create modern web applications while ensuring the solutions do well. Yii is the framework businesses must rely on to reduce coding to a minimum.

Are you looking for a robust team of Yii developers to get a solid image of yours? In that case, you should reach out to us and experience the best!

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